
Bramley Golf Club

Bramley Golf Club

Open Day

Medal & Stableford Competitions

Stablefords are competitions played throughout the year, wherever possible, on the weekends and the following Tuesday.  Competitors can only enter the competition on one of these days, for the majority of players this will be on a Tuesday.  Stablefords are played in groups of three.   The tee times for these competitions are booked through the Online Tee Management System.  You can access these competitions through your computer at home, through a Smart phone, or by going into the Pro shop, and they will help you enter.

There are two drawn stableford competitions during the year – played on a Tuesday.  Groups of three are drawn, to include wherever possible, a low, a mid and a high handicap player.

Medals are played monthly from April to October on the weekends and Tuesdays.  Each Medal is a stand alone competition, therefore competitors may enter these on both days if they so wish.  Medals are played in pairs.

All Medals and Stablefords are handicap-qualifying competitions, providing the course conditions are appropriate.  During the winter there will be occasions when there are temporary greens, and the round will be non-qualifying.  The Pro-shop staff will be able to tell you on the day, whether your round is qualifying or not.

Tee bookings for the Stableford and weekend competitions usually open a month ahead of the competition.  If you are not able to play, delete your booking online, and your playing partners will be advised automatically.

Some other special competitions, like the drawn stablefords, and Spring and Autumn Meetings, have sign-up sheets posted on the Ladies’ notice board about six weeks in.  The sheets are given to the Pro Shop about 48 hours prior to the competition and a copy placed on the notice board.  If you need to cancel after this has been done, please inform your playing partners, the organiser and the Pro Shop.  Please do not make any alterations to the sheet on the notice board after this time.  The names of the nominated committee members responsible for the competition are shown on the sign-up sheet.

Scores should be entered on the data entry screen in the hall and cards placed in the competition box in the entrance hall for collection by the Handicap Secretary. Results are posted on the results board in the lower office and online.

The entry fee is currently £3.00, 50p of which is allocated to the 2s pot.

Prize money is based solely on the number of competitors on the day and is credited to the players Pro Shop account.  The 2s pot is shared equally by entrants scoring a 2 and winnings are collected from the Pro Shop.

Cup Competitions

Over many years, current and past members of the Ladies’ Section have donated cups and trophies to be played for on an annual basis.  Cup competitions are among the most prestigious competitions of the year, particularly the Club Championship played over 36 holes.  Many cups are awarded to the winner of a particular, single competition.  Others are awarded as a result of doing well in other competitions, e.g. the Thornley Cup entry is only eligible to those players who have been a winner or runner up of certain of our medals and stablefords over a twelve month period.  There are also a number of competitions for specific groups of people, e.g. grandmothers (The Grandmothers’ Cup), players with higher handicaps (The Dougill Cup).  Many of the cups are listed in the front pages of the Club Diary with a short description.  The Cup Competitions can be seen as being complex, but the sign-up sheets clarify eligibility.

Sign-up sheets for Cup Competitions are put on the board six weeks in advance of the competitions.  These are entered in the printed diary and the online booking system.  It is usual for two members of the committee to organise the Cup Competitions.  They are responsible for putting up the sheets in the locker room, but it is the Handicap Secretary who has the main responsibility for checking cards and entering the winners into the computer system. Players are responsible for entering their scores into the data entry screen as with normal stablefords and medals.

As with all competitions it is important that players pay before playing and remember to have their card signed by their playing partner before handing it in.

The committee members responsible for cups are also responsible for arranging engraving of winners’ names on the cup bases, for organising the presentation of the cups in liaison with the Lady Captain and for purchasing the small prizes that are given to most cup competition winners.

At present, the Ladies Section has a policy of cup winners being allowed to take home the cup/trophy for one month and the competition organisers will liaise over whether winners wish to take the cup home, and if so will ask the winner to sign a book and agree to take responsibility for the cup for the month it is with them.

Fun Competitions

A number of fun competitions are played during the year to expand the variety of competitions played.  The majority are played in winter when no medal competitions are played and when conditions are often harder.  Fun competitions are non-qualifying competitions.

Most fun competitions are played in teams of three although if, for example a ‘practice’ matchplay or greensomes competition is arranged, these are played in pairs. Fun competitions are organised by nominated committee members and they will choose the nature of the competition.  Further examples of fun competitions are – two out of three scores counting – Texas or Florida scrambles – yellow ball competitions etc.  Instructions are always provided for each team or are given on the sign-up sheet.

Sign-up sheets go up on the notice board four weeks in advance. If you need to cancel, please notify your playing partners and the organiser so they can try and make up tee times or teams, if the event is a team-based one.

Scores are not entered in the computer; completed cards are simply put in the card box in the entrance hall and removed by the organisers to be checked.  Currently, prizes are in the form of vouchers in the Pro Shop.  The number of prizes awarded will depend on the number of people playing, as the prize money is based solely on the money paid into the Pro Shop on the day.  Most competitions do not include a prize for 2s, but a few do.  The organisers will pay out any 2s money as appropriate.

Fun competitions are only played on Tuesdays.


Foursomes is a game of alternate tee shots and alternate shots.  There are three FOURSOMES competitions in the diary:

The Coronation Foursomes and the Daily Mail Foursomes where ladies choose their own partners and the winning pair qualify to play in a subsequent round at another club.

The Higginsons Foursomes where ladies are drawn together with one high and one low handicap.  It is played over one day with the top eight pairs going onto a knockout stage.  In the knockout the format becomes Foursomes Matchplay.

The entry sheets for all these foursomes competitions are posted on the competition notice board in the ladies’ locker room.  All details, re: format, tee times and cost will be on the entry sheet.

Friendly Matches

We play twenty friendly matches with other clubs in the area, half are played at home and half away one year and then the following year it is reversed,  All our matches are played as a 4 Ball Better Ball so that two home players play with two from the visiting club.  This is a friendly game and in most cases a lower handicapped player is partnered by a higher handicap player, so it can be a good way to learn and gain experience as well as playing different courses.  The times of matches can vary although most of ours at home have a tee-time of 10.00 a.m. which is preceded by coffee from 9.30 a.m.

After the matches have all been completed we all sit down together for a match tea.  Match teas are currently £7.50 which is collected by the captain of the day.

We try to wear black, navy blue or white trousers or shorts with team coloured shirt and club jumper (currently Iris).  There is no need to change after the match for tea.  Early in the year availability sheets are put up on the notice board at the foot of the stairs in the locker rooms.  You can sign up for as many as you like.  The teams are chosen from those who have signed up and a team list is put up on the same board as well as emails to those who are in the team.  Of course there are always things that arise that mean you have to withdraw from a match but please give the captain of the day as much warning as possible and try to keep to your commitment once you have been chosen for a team.

Snapshot of the main competitions format 

BOGEY CUP (Honours Board) 18 hole qualifying par competition.

CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP (Honours Board) 36 hole Scratch competition, currently held over two days. Open to 7 day members, but only those whose home club is Bramley are eligible to win the Cup for best scratch score. A Salver is awarded to the runner-up and a Handicap trophy for lowest nett score.

DOROTHY SPOOR SCRATCH TROPHY (Honours Board) The trophy will be awarded to the lady with the best 6 scratch scores from medal competitions in the year from 1 October to 30 September.

DOUGILL CUP (Honours Board) 18 hole Stableford competition, open to ladies with handicaps 29 – 38.

RUBY HALL ECLECTIC COMPETITION Run from 1 October to 1 September, no entery fee and all qualifying competitions played during this time, will be part of the eclectic period.  IG will automatically incorporate the relevant scoring.

GIBBS CUP (Honours Board) Two medal rounds played on consecutive Tuesdays, or weekends, the winner having the best nett aggregate score.  Ladies must play the Gibbs on either the consecutive Tuesdays or the consecutive weekends, and can alternate days, as long as they fall within each round.

GRANDMOTHERS CUP (Honours Board) Open to all grandmothers, and step-grandmothers. 18 hole Stableford.

HANDICAP TROPHY (Honours Board) Awarded to the lady who accumulates the most points from finishing in the top five players in all qualifying medals and stablefords from 1 January to 1 December. 

HIGGINSON FOURSOMES (Honours Board) Players are paired (by a draw) with one high and one low handicap. Qualifying stableford round held in April. The top 8 pairs then go through to knock out rounds played over the summer.

JEAN SWANTON CHALLENGE  Match played between the Lady Past Captains and the current Ladies Committee.

JARVIS TROPHY (Mixed Competition) 18 hole Mixed Greensomes Competition, organised by the Office, and played on a Saturday.  Married couples or partners may not play together.

JUBILEE JUG Awarded for the best handicap score in the July stableford competition.

ROSEBOWL CHALLENGE (Honours Board) Dunn Rose Bowl awarded for the best scratch score and the Murray Rose Bowl for the best handicap score.

SANDY MUIR CUP & BOWL (Honours Board)  Knock-out matchplay competition played during the spring and summer.  Handicap limit 26.4 to enter the Cup and handicap between 26.5 - 38.4 to enter the Bowl.

SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS  Open to ladies aged 65+. 18 hole medal competition. 

SPOOR MUG  18 hole stableford for ladies aged 60+

MORTON CUP  18 hole medal, previously held at the weekend, but now on the second Tuesday in June, to encourage more ladies to participate. (For business ladies there will still be the option to play in this competition on the previous Sunday)  Players must be 7 day members to qualify.

WEBSTER CUP & BOWL (Honours Board)  Knock-out matchplay competition, played during the autumn and winter.  Handicap limit 26.4 to enter the Cup and handicap between 26.5 - 38.4 to enter the Bowl.

WEBSTER SCRATCH CUP AND BRONZE SCRATCH CUP (Honours Board)  Webster Scratch Cup is awarded for the best aggregate scratch score in the Spring and Autumn Meetings.  Bronze Scratch Cup is awarded for the best aggregate scratch score for a Bronze Division player at the Spring and Autumn Meetings.  (The player must hold a Bronze handicap at both meetings)

TWIRLY GIRL TROPHY  18 hole medal competition.


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